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Medium cast iron bending plate

Medium cast iron bending plate

DESCRIPTION : The material of the medium-sized cast iron bending plate is made of cast iron HT200-300 and QT400. For some high and small cast iron bending plates, QT400 bending plates can be used...
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The purpose of medium-sized cast iron bending plate is to perform 90 degree measurement on the tested workpiece. During equipment maintenance, the mutual perpendicularity of the surfaces related to the components is checked, and it is also suitable for marking by fitters and inspecting the components. Cast iron bending plates can be used to check the verticality of workpieces on cast iron platforms, and are suitable for mechanical and instrument inspection as well as inspection of non verticality between machine tools. In addition, it is also one of the tools for installing fixtures and fixtures.

The material of the medium-sized cast iron bending plate is made of cast iron HT200-300 and QT400. For some high and small cast iron bending plates, QT400 bending plates can be used.

The manual scraping method for medium-sized cast iron bent plates: After finishing the bent plate, the casting is placed on a horizontal reference plane, and one of the two faces of the bent plate is selected for scraping. After reaching the required flatness, this surface is used as the reference plane for the bent plate. After placing this surface downwards on the horizontal plane, auxiliary inspection tools such as a right angle ruler and a dial gauge are used. Scrape another plane.

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AddressAddress:East Development Zone, Jiaohe Town, Botou City, Hebei Province
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