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Resin sand platform

Resin sand platform

DESCRIPTION : The design has improved the productivity and site utilization of the cast iron platform,and shortened the production cycle....
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The characteristics of resin sand platform products:

(1)The surface of resin sand platform castings is smooth,with clear edges and dimensions.

(2)The design has improved the productivity and site utilization of the cast iron platform,and shortened the production cycle.

(3)Reducing labor intensity,improving working conditions and environment,especially reducing noise,silicon dust,etc.,and reducing environmental pollution.

(4)Energy conservation.This is reflected in the cancellation of kiln drying and hydraulic sand cleaning,which improves the yield of molten iron and reduces the consumption of compressed air,thereby saving water,electricity,and coal(coke).

(5)The recovery of old sand is easy and can reach a recovery rate of 90%.In terms of saving new sand,reducing transportation,and preventing waste pollution.

The resin sand platform is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized casting enterprises to produce single pieces and small and medium-sized batches of castings due to the flexible and convenient operation of the furan resin sand process,as well as the stable size of the casting mold.For large resin sand castings,considering the long molding time,the sand mold is prone to layering,and the sand at the layering point is relatively soft and has low strength,making it easy for high-temperature steel to penetrate into the molding sand and bond.Therefore,when filling the sand,gradually push the newly released sand to cover the model surface.When the sand reaches a thickness of about 20mm from the mold surface,manual compaction is adopted to improve the compactness of the surface sand.

Therefore,the process of resin sand castings is currently a high-tech process in the casting industry that achieves low energy consumption,low labor intensity,high production efficiency,and light environmental pollution,while the casting size accuracy is high,the surface quality is good,and the sand mold quality is light.

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AddressAddress:East Development Zone, Jiaohe Town, Botou City, Hebei Province
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