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Small test platform

Small test platform

DESCRIPTION : he small-scale testing platform follows the standard metrological verification regulations and is classified into four levels: 0, 1, 2, and 3. ...
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he small-scale testing platform follows the standard metrological verification regulations and is classified into four levels: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The working face machine tool can process T-shaped grooves and can also be equipped with bolt holes. The surface adopts manual scraping with flat precision. Remove molding sand from non machined surfaces and apply anti rust paint. Surface quality and color coating inspection of flat plates. The specifications of the tablet are not fully listed. Please inspect according to the approximate size requirements. Level 0 and Level 1 tablets shall have no less than 25 points within a range of 25mm square on each side; Level 2 tablets shall have no less than 20 points within a range of 25mm square on each side; Level 3 tablets shall have no less than 12 points within a range of 25mm square on each side.

A small-scale testing platform is used for power experiments of machinery, engines, and motors, as well as for the debugging of mechanical equipment. The motor testing platform has good planar stability and toughness, with a T-shaped groove on the surface, which can be used to fix the testing equipment.

Small test platform use: generally used as a reference positioning surface in calibration or testing. The experimental platform is suitable for testing the surface flatness of workpieces using the coloring method, or as an auxiliary tool for experimental work. The stiffness index of the test platform stipulates that for every 250N (1N=0.102kgf) load applied to the working surface of the test platform, the deflection of the flat plate should not exceed 1m. During the experiment, the deflection value of each level of flat plate should not exceed half of the flatness tolerance value of the 00 level flat plate. Various specifications of experimental platforms, specific indicators of applied rated load and allowable deflection in the concentrated load area of the working face.

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AddressAddress:East Development Zone, Jiaohe Town, Botou City, Hebei Province
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