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Circular platform

Circular platform

DESCRIPTION : Circular platform accuracy:divided into 0,1,2,and 3 levels according to regulations....
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The circular platform is mainly used for machine tool mechanical inspection and measurement,checking the dimensional accuracy or positional deviation of parts,and can also make marking marks on the workpiece for easy reprocessing.

Circular platform accuracy:divided into 0,1,2,and 3 levels according to regulations.

Circular platform specifications:300-3000(made according to the buyer's drawings).

Circular platform material:gray cast iron HT200-300,with a working surface hardness of HB170-240.After two manual treatments(manual annealing at 600-700 degrees or natural aging for 2-3 years),the accuracy of this product is stable and it can perform well.

The circular platform needs to be installed and debugged before it can be used.Working on a circular platform without qualified installation and debugging is meaningless.Non personnel installation and debugging of the circular platform is a violation of regulations,which may damage the structure of the platform and even cause deformation of the platform,making it unusable.

The purpose of a circular platform:

1.Circular groove platform is used as a benchmark for mechanical inspection and measurement of machine tools;

2.The circular groove platform is suitable for various inspection work and measurement reference planes;

3.The circular groove platform is used to check the dimensional accuracy or shape deviation of the parts and make tight markings;

4.The circular groove platform is mainly used as a benchmark platform for the inspection,calibration,and other calibration of granite cutting tools,and can also be used as a benchmark platform for other inspection work.

The hardness of the circular platform working face is HB770-240.After artificial annealing at 600°-700°and natural aging for 2-8 years,the accuracy of the circular platform is stable and it can perform well.

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AddressAddress:East Development Zone, Jiaohe Town, Botou City, Hebei Province
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